Into 2023 We Roam....

It's a New Year, and as always this day signifies new beginnings. We navigate new mountains we may face as we walk into the unknown. We make resolutions with the hope that we will stick to them.
In the wild it is just another day. A day of family life and doing everything to protect the ones they love. They don't understand what it means to be accountable to others. Perhaps this is why we love them so much. Wild mustangs as with all in the animal kingdom, live in the moment. Their only goal unlike us is to thrive and survive.
As humans we have the ability to make choices on how we will live and we can listen to others tell us the best way to live our life. Mustangs represent all the things we as humans are and unencumbered by the day to day living and our jobs. We view much of the world now through a digital screen and for some reason are captivated by the lives of others whom we don't know.
A wild horse will travel miles with their family band, or friends and through and through regardless of their differences they will stick together. They don't let each other down, they don't judge they have no expectations of one another only that they are present day after day. If a lead stallion is weak his lieutenant or second in command will step in and take over. Or, a young stallion will then step up,,,,,,and yes sometimes this stallion will lose his band to another who can take over. A divorce of sorts. But that does not mean they just walk away. I have seen stallions follow their mares and bands taken by a new stallion for months. He is lost without them. He doesn't have the ability to hate or be angry, he is living his life and how their DNA dictates.
I have also watched as mares and others take over when a mare needs her family to help her through. Foals, well, foals are like kids they have fun and play and only know what mom and dad says is the law of the land. They don't can cant dispute or go off until they are ready or they won't survive.
I guess what I am trying to say is that wild mustang families are much like ours. The only difference is they are the best of who we are, in our day to day with friends and family. Why is this important for us to consider, because aside from their predators, their lives are what we long to live. To be free and without restrictions, to never be judged, to live our best lives and not fear making wrong decisions. They are pretty much perfect in every sense except they can't protect themselves from us.
So, next time you are in nature, next time you are in the home of wild life. Look around, put down your phone, inhale all that is around you and feel what it is like to be free. Maybe we make a resolution to live more freely, more loving, more accepting, and get involved in helping others and those who live the life we respect.
Wishing you all a very wonderful New Year, one filled with love, with magic with hope. And, if you are fortunate enough to get out into nature, navigate it without sound, no voice, and just immerse yourself in that which they revel in.....and perhaps it will awaken your senses and bring clarity to your own purpose in life. The things that are an are not important.
We only have one life, we will never be collected by a power larger than ours who puts us in a box and takes away our freedom.......or will and has this already happened to us? Something to think about and consider.
"Live to be Free"..........