They are Always Watching.....
From the first moment I caught a glimpse of the Wild Mustangs, all my dreams from childhood came true. At four years old I desperately wanted my own horse. This seems to be a common request from young girls of their parents. I believe my first introduction to horses, like many things were the wonderful teachers of my elementary years. Also, having friends who had horses, I quickly learned I too wanted my own horse to brush, ride and tell my deepest secrets.
Then my mom got me the book "Misty of Chincoteague", that further confirmed my desire to be in their presence any chance I had.. years later I would go to a horse camp where we learned about horses and bonded with other girls our age. On a trip as a teenager with my family to Ligonier in my home state of Pennsylvania - I was fortunate enough to ride the most beautiful 16 hand Palomino Gelding. The best part of that story is that my ride was right before lunch. As soon as we returned where the barn was in sight, he took off in a full gallop toward the barn door. I quickly realized somehow as I was bouncing and losing my footing in the stirrup, that if I didnt duck- my head would likely hit and knock me off of him and out of consciousness.
Irony is my experience as an adult once I became involved with wild mustangs and volunteering and helping friends,,,,that as any person (they are the boss- not us). They are gentle large magnificent creatures, but just as us have minds of their own and can be unpredictable. I have been stepped on - kicked in the stomach - and also felt their loving breath against my face. I cannot put into words my absolute adoration of them. However, my commitment and dedication to fighting and advocating for them will never waiver or stop until I leave this earth. Even then I do believe we are reunited with our beloved passions and friends who preceded us.
This mare is from the Salt River and is from the band of Lead Stallion Tex. He is one of my favorite band stallions, and though its been over 2 years since I have seen him and the band is now smaller, there is a place in my heart for all of them. She is also a band sister of another mare who is one of my favorite of all on the river.
They look at us with such curiosity - and trust me when I tell you they know. They are highly alert, yet passive in nature. As prey they live a delicate balance of life in the wild- yet their resilience and healing abilities are incredible. Their biggest challenge is not navigating the wild which they and their ancestors have done for centuries. It is man, who is their predator and puts them at the highest risk.
With this page, it is my labor of love. It is a work in progress. For years I have been encouraged by friends and inspired by my time with wild mustangs to tell their stories. It is through my eyes, yet I try to express words which through my documenting would be what they would tell us if they could speak. My voice is but one, it is my experience and I will not take away that which others have - we all have our own. My goal is not to sell images for myself but rather evoke an emotional experience in all of you. If I can accomplish this- my goal is that others will get involved in the fight to save them. Even if I can touch one person with my images and writing, and they then choose to also share and advocate for them - that is a priceless gift I can give to all the beautiful mustangs who bestow us with their sheer existence.
They are mother earths gift to natures palette and the land on which they roam. If you were to ask me, why do I want to be their voice- not only because they cannot speak for themselves, but also because they have no choice in our pursuit of peering into the proverbial windows of their lives. They live in their home which we step into as humans without having to wouldn't it make sense to gift them something for peace we take when we are in their presence?